Dealing with communication between generations is a dilemma that touches today's society and, perhaps, all those that came before it.
That is why I feel the urge to talk about this complex topic, which involves interactions between young and old.
Let's start with a simple example to better understand what the problem is: if you search YouTube for videos about art, the best you find are Vittorio Sgarbi's videos from 20 years ago. A communication we are not used to. But maybe we never were either....
I searched for videos concerning Dali and the result was disappointing. One of the videos was only 3 minutes long and the other started with "Salvador Dali was born in..." no!, please come on.
Why are people so disinterested in art history? The answer is simple: there are not enough good communicators in this field. Or at any rate, there are very few of them. Even Salmo, a well-known hip-hop singer, tried to talk about Caravaggio to his young audience, but he did it with a boomer way of communicating. And now that one of the greatest communicators in the field, Philippe Daverio, is gone, we have no worthy heir.
All these factors create a gap that makes communication between different generations difficult. How can we solve this problem and communicate effectively with young people?
We need to understand young people and respond to their needs. Talking theoretically about the generation gap is easy, doing it practically is likely to be painful, I realize, but it is a necessary step.
Empathy is the first rule of communication.
We should not be afraid to use modern and relevant communication tools to reach young people. Technology is an opportunity and not an obstacle.
We need to know how to make the best use of it to create a bridge between different generations.
And as for our dignity and wisdom as elders (so to speak), we need not fear losing it.
Rather, we can use our experience and knowledge to offer young people a different and enriching perspective, but we must do so respectfully and without pretending to teach them anything.
We need to be open to dialogue and ready to listen to what young people have to say.
Only then can we learn from each other and build a better future.
Okay, but so how to win over young people?
Simply with communication that speaks to them in an understandable and engaging way and within an extremely intuitive and well-structured site.
I'm not saying a lot, but at least that it takes advantage of marketing automation so that going from Amazon to your site doesn't feel like you've stepped into the past.
I decided to write this text for Dante Studio Marketing after visiting their website.
I said to myself, I feel I have a certain feeling.
Because today, the interface of a site is like the title and cover of a book: we pick up the one that can most successfully convey something to us.
Then we read the synopsis, and if we are convinced, we read the first few lines as well--until perhaps we arrive at the purchase because we are totally intrigued.
Having a good website, made by a professional, that puts in place those mechanisms that lead people to read even the first few lines, has become essential for any business.
The Web today is the meeting point between supply and demand.
Always keep that in mind!
I will still be writing a lot of texts for Dante Studio Marketing about the importance for SMEs and freelancers to have a digital presence, but if you want a little spoiler, write to me or fill out the form on the website directly and let's have a chat.
Yes, a real boomer invitation 😉